Swap at least $50 in value on the ETH/USDC or ETH/USDC.e pair
Provide liquidity of at least $100 in value to the ETH/USDC.e pool
Stake the liquidity (that you provide in the last step) into the ETH/USDC.e farm
Go to https://dapp.koi.finance
Set your wallet network to zkSync Era or approve the network change request
Select the Swap tab
Swap at least $50 worth of ETH to USDC.e
Select the Pool tab and select the first pool (USDC.e - ETH)
Provide at least $50 of each USDC.e and ETH into liquidity
Once liquidity is provided, click on Earn Boosted Yields on the same page
Stake all of your LP balance into the farming pool by clicking MAX on the stake input (refresh page if you do not see your balance)
Once you approve and deposit your LP, you will now be earning boosted yields. You can track your earnings in the Info section